Are you worried about things going on at home and with your family?
If so, that’s okay! Did you know that lots of other children also have this worry.
Here are examples of things you might be worried about at home or with your family:
- Parents / Carers arguing
- Disagreements with your brother or sister
- Overhearing adult conversations
- Feeling unsafe at home

Trusted adults and how they can help you...
- Do you have an adult that you feel safe with that you could talk to? (we call this a trusted adult)
- This might be an adult that you live with, an adult in your wider family, an adult at school or an adult at an after school club or hobby that you do.
- If you find talking difficult, you can write down your worry and share it with a trusted adult.
- You can also tell a friend first and come up with a plan on how you can share your worry with a trusted adult.
- If you find it hard to identify a trusted adult you can get support from childline. You can call them on 08001111 or find them online at
Make a safe place in your home.
Having a place to go when you are worried or anxious will help to comfort and make you feel calmer.
Think about what and where makes you feel happy and calm, this could be...
- Snuggling on the sofa
- Relaxing in your gaming chair
- Playing football in the garden
- Chilling on your bed
- Hugging your favourite cuddly toy
- Stroking your pet
- Make a den and burrow yourself away
Going to that place when you are feeling unsafe or feeling worried and anxious will help to calm you down.
Once you are feeling calmer you can make a plan to speak to a trusted adult.
Friendships aren’t always as easy and straight forward as we would like them to be.
Ask any adult and they are sure to have lots of examples of times when they found friendships tricky. It’s also hard to say ‘sorry’ even when we know we have done something wrong, but it really does help to resolve situations.
If these ideas don’t help, talk to an adult and come up with a plan together to make friendships more positive.