What is Safety Net?
Safety Net is a charity in Brighton and Hove, we work with children aged 8 – 13 years helping them with any problem, big or small.
For more information of all the other great work that Safety Net does please go to our main site.
Where do you work?
We spend most of our time working in schools with children in the playground or classroom, and in small groups or on their own.
Some of the children we work with also have the opportunity to take part in fun activities out of school time and during the holidays.
Meet the Team

Jennifer - Operations Manager
You might meet me in school, I deliver the SNAP and BRAVE programme to children on their own and in small groups. I also organise and take care of the Children and Families Team.
My favourite movie is Up, it makes me cry every time but it’s really heart warming.

Ruth - Activities Coordinator
You will meet me on out of school activities, I also plan and organise the Activities project, the Young Volunteers project and the Little Acts of Kindness.
My proudest moment was when I stood up on a Stand Up Paddle Board for the first time even though I was really nervous and fell in a lot.
I am on maternity leave at the moment, and will be back next September!

Sarah - Children and Families Worker
You might meet me in school, I deliver the SNAP and BRAVE programme to children on their own and in small groups.
I am quite a bookworm and love snuggling up with a good story and my grumpy cat.

Charlotte - Participation and Peer Support Worker
You might meet me in the school playground delivering our Playground Buddies programme, in the classroom delivering workshops, on some activities and I am also involved in the Young Volunteers programme and Little Acts of Kindness.
I am learning to play the ukulele, I enjoy setting myself a challenge and having something to work towards.